I make a joyful detour to Rotterdam
At the end of February, Nanouk and I will be holding a Cacao Rose Rapé ceremony. Maybe you'd like to join us and visit beautiful Rotterdam!
From the ArcanA newsletter:
"On Saturday, February 24, my friend Laura Caputo from Switzerland will visit me for a few days and we will perform a cacao rose rapé ceremony together.
Laura has been working in the shamanic field for many years, offering ceremonies with a wide range of plant medicines, having studied with shamans and healers in different parts of the world. If you are curious about her diverse background in coaching, healing, shamanism, plant medicine, tantra and more, visit her website.
On February 24th we will do a cacao ceremony in combination with the beautiful plant medicine Rose and Rapé.
Rose is a plant medicine with a very loving and healing feminine energy, while Rapé from the tobacco plant is masculine and centering. Together with the heart-opening cacao, this makes for a perfect, gentle blend of deep healing.
Laura and I have completed the STS Tantra Massage Therapist Course and Tantra Teacher Training together, so we will be working together during the energy healing portion to channel beautiful healing and nurturing energy to each of you.
Cacao/Rose/Rapé - Cacao Ceremony & Healing
zaterdag, 24 februari, 2024
Gaiacenter, Bergwegplantsoen 10z, Rotterdam"
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